NOTE: Unless you have been sent to this page by FOCUS staff, please use the Homestay Application page.
The purpose of this page is to inquire if a homestay might be available without completing the full application.
This page can be shared by FOCUS homestay coordinators and staff to PSU staff and individual students to ask about the availability. If you have been referred to this page, please do not share this link with others.
CAUTION: the acknowledgement will go to both the submitter’s email address and the student’s email address. If you wish to have the email go to ONLY the submitter, enter the submitter’s email address in both fields email fields.
“Basic Information About You” – this is information about the person completing the form. For example, perhaps a PSU staff is inquiring regarding the need of a student for a short term homestay.
“Circumstances related to query” – enter any information here that might help FOCUS Homestays understand the urgency or circumstances related to the current need for a homestay.
“Basic Information About Student” – From here and below the information entered should be about the person needing the homestay.
[cforms name=”Homestay Query”]